What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



AP#1 ND40: If ND40 wanted Serena right now, he could have her anyway possible. ND40 is AP1 in October. Its been a long time. SCHERF BOWL is next

AP#2 MONTREAL: They just keep winning. A big showdown vs The Software this week.

AP#3: KC BEES: Software says MM couldn’t wear his jock.

AP#4 JOE LOUIS: All of a sudden the defending champs look just normal. QB Brees on a bye.

AP#5 BUTTA: Just hanging around and now will watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 with TLIC.

AP#6 FLC: Kanye has guaranteed a win over AP1 ND40 in Scherf Bowl

AP#7 TLIC: Someone is ready to lease the basement out. Its clean and it has Jennifer Aniston posters everywhere

AP#8 ROSS: What is going on in RED OAK. Local papers is running contest predicting when ROSS will fire the front office. Winner gets clip-on beard that is now worth .43 at Dollar General.

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