What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Monday, October 12, 2009

AP PCS RANKINGS headed into week 6


AP#1 ND40: If ND40 wanted Serena right now, she would do his laundry and rock his world every night. ND40 half way to a SCHERF CUP

AP#2 KC BEES: The Software may end up like River Phoenix after the celebrating this week. KC does not approve.

AP#3: MONTREAL: BUTTAPICKS.COM predicted the heartbreaker and it happened again to MM. This is a SB playoff type of team/

AP#4 JOE LOUIS: JOE surprised Butta. BUTTA lays and egg and JOE puts up big points to stay in contention.

AP#5 FLC: Kanye is really pissed and now wants a piece of the stepdad and the twin brother.

AP#6 BUTTA: BUTTA was downright pathetic this week and deserves a big nothing

AP#7 ROSS: Red Oak is alive again. People are talking. A win next week and they are back in it.

AP#8 TLIC: Well, the lease was canceled and TLIC is now comfy in the basement recliner.

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