What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


AP#1 JOE LOUIS: Looks like they are picking up where they left off. Good thing BUTTA drafted QB Brees and WR Wayne

AP#2 ROSS: We are telling you. RED OAK is buzzing about this team. Off to a flying start. Not used to living away from Bed and Breakfast Basement. Kayne flying to Red Oak to stop the happiness.

AP#3 MONTREAL: Has an upset QB Favre riding the bench. MONTREAL has turned things around with a great season last year and a nice start this week.

AP#4 BUTTAFUOCO: This team is all about RB AP who single-handedly beat KC (and the software). Butta QB Cutler on thin ice.

AP#5 ND40: The world traveler comes home to a loss and fans want answers. Losing to Texas rival ROSS is a tough start. ND40 WR TO wants more action and already wants ND to be on his VH1 show “THE TO SHOW”. ND40 declined.

AP#6 FLC: Ran into JOE LOU again. Better days ahead

AP#7 KC: KC wants answers from the software. Software wont answer cell phone.

AP#8 TLIC: 8 losses in last 9 games and fans rather stay home and watch MTV VMAs. TLIC hires additional ticket reps to boost ticket sales.

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