What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Monday, December 8, 2008

AP PCS, Regular Season Final

AP1 MONTREAL: They backed into the playoffs but they are the team to beat. Its a dream season so far

AP2 FLC: Amazing come from behind win in Week 14 to lock up #2 seed. The defending champs are red hot and the Naperville is oozing with confidence and a little arrogance.

AP3 JOE LOUIS: A rematch set next week with FLC

AP4 KC BEES: The software is a little miffed at KC for the fall to AP4. KC just cant please this power hungry program. They get a tough matchup with MM

AP5 ND40: Met a surging Butta team. Now the battle of Texas vs a sneaky ROSS and Westy.

AP6 BUTTA: Red hot coming into the TB playoffs, their first ever.

AP7 TLIC: A nice win over KC but they have been having trouble with Butta, their 1st round matchup

AP8 ROSS: Believe it or not, Red Oak is happy after a nice finish and whipping AP1 MM. Now expect a sold out crowd with clip-on beards vs ND40. Things are looking up for 2009.

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