What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Monday, October 18, 2010



AP#1 TLICIOUS: TLIC comes through again. TLIC controls his own SB playoff destiny now. A showdown hoedown with HOGFATHER this week.

AP#2 ROSS: What a story. ROSS hasn’t been this high in the rankings since 2006 when the went to the SUPA BOWL.. Red Oak Sea Snake flags are all over town. ROSS has won 3 straight and this week they get a fired up Kanye.

AP#3: KC BEES: Software and KC are not on speaking terms right now. Nuff said.

AP#4 BUTTA: Hanging around at AP4…The Evil Empire ain’t dead yet. Still this team is on shaky ground. They hookup with ND40 in a SB rematch.

AP#5 FLC: Kanye and FLC still are ‘ridin dirty’ down Naperville Blvd.

AP#6 HOGFATHER: Hogs put up their best performance in their young history. A huge showdown with AP1 this week.

AP#7 MONTREAL: A very tough loss on a fine offensive performance. MONTREAL needs some love. A few wins get them back into the top 4. They are a good team that has some breaks coming for them in the future.

AP#8 ND40: They need to start winnin. 12-2 record from last year is forgotten as far as Serena is concerned. She’s sayin, “What have you done for me lately?” The Basement Bed and Breakfast is back in business.

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