What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Sunday, November 8, 2009


AP#1 ND40: They are making everyone look silly. Now, 7-2 and looking like the odds on favorite to wing the Cup. Serena is just what this team needed.

AP#2 MONTREAL: Demolishes JOE LOU is now as solid as a #2 as you can get.

AP#3 BUTTA: Gets his lunch handed to him by ND40. Gets a giddy ROSS team next week

AP#4 JOE LOU: Montreal shows them who is in charge. QB BREES needs help

AP#5 KC BEES: Huge win over TLIC and the Software feels they should be at least at #4

AP#6 ROSS: A great win and now looking to knock off Butta to get into SB contention

AP#7 FLC: N'Ville mayor calls FLC after loss 5 times. FLC not returning call.

AP#8 TLIC: TLIC season ticket holders want to know where Agassi got that meth. They need something right now even if chemically induced.

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