WHATS AT STAKE: Its simple. The winner has a shot to get in the SUPA BOWL PLAYOFFS. The loser most likely get the #1 seed in the TB PLAYOFFS. Points are important for the winner as well. FLC needs a ND40 loss and a W on their end. This is the only way Kanye gets in SBP. FLC’s low point total is an obstacle. ROSS needs to win and needs ND40 to lose.
WHATS AT STAKE: Not much for TLIC. The REGULAR SEASON CHAMPIONSHIP is pretty much a lock. With a 100 point lead over BUTTA, a TLIC loss could still mean a tie-breaker win for the RS championship for TLIC. For HOGS? Just Uncle Mo for the Toilet Bowl Playoffs and some office bragging rights.
BUTTA vs ND40:
WHATS AT STAKE: BUTTA could actually tie TLIC in the standings for first place if TLIC loses to HG. However, BUTTA has a slim chance to win the RSC. For ND40? First of all, what a great comeback to get in this position from living in the Bed n’ Breakfast basement for the first half of the season. ND40 has a nice point total which means if they win, they are going to not only get in the SBP…... They could be a AP3 going in with a MM loss. That is quite ‘Evil Empire-ish” if you know what I mean. Nice job, ND40…..That said, Butta aint laying down this week.
MM vs KC:
WHATS AT STAKE: Pretty simple here…..sorta. MM wins and they lock up AP3. They lose and they can still get in SBP based on a solid overall point total. If MM loses and completely tanks…I mean like a 60 point game….ROSS could catch them with a monster point game and a W.
COACH OF THE YEAR VOTING: On Tuesday morning, COTY voting begins with a 1st place pick and 2nd place pick….and you cant vote for yourself. Post your pick on the League board. I will post when to begin.
NEW THIS YEAR: The COTY winner gets 4 free beers/or milkshakes/or whatever on Friday night of draft weekend. THE TOLIET BOWL WINNER will drink for FREE on Saturday night of DRAFT WEEKEND. Basically, the other attendees will pitch in to buy all drinks no matter what it is. IF you don’t show for DRAFTWEEKEND you forfeit this prize.
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