What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Monday, November 17, 2008

AP PCS Rankings, week 12

AP#1 KC BEES: It happened. KC beats MM and has worked their way to the top. Software even brought KC roses and chocolates as a post game reconciliation.

AP#2 JOE LOUIS: Kills ROSS again and winners of 5 straight. Rumor has it they are pissed that KC is #1 and wants an investigation.

AP#3 MONTREAL: MM drops 2 spots after being AP1 since week 4. Pretty harsh but JL and KC are coming on way too strong.

AP#4 ND40 oz: Wow. A big effort over TLIC and now they have the inside track over.....

AP#5 FLC: Butta gets over on them again and all of a sudden Naperville needs to strike back to keep 'brotha from the same mutha' from stealing their SB playoff spot.

AP#6 BUTTA: The evil empire gets a monster victory but now they get AP1 KC next week. Another must-win.

AP#7 TLIC: The ND40 loss was very tough. Two tough losses in a row

AP#8 ROSS: ROSS wondering what RB Westy is doing

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