What was "Software's" reaction to KC winning $400?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Oh, Roger...

Angela Moyer

What was/is Roger Clemens thinking? All those untold millions and access to the best in life and this is what you come up with?

I'd throw his ass in jail just for violating some sense of the "trading up" code of infidelity.


5/1/08 UPDATE...today the Daily News is linking Clemens to John Daly's ex-wife: Paulette Dean Daly. While I'm relieved that it isn't Paula Dean ("...butter makes everything better"), this still doesn't make Clemens' infidelity batting average much higher.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Salisbury Steak

from http://sportswrap.berecruited.com/tag/john-clayton

Sean Salisbury has left ESPN’s Bristol headquarters after 12 mostly annoying years, and he’s not going quietly. Predictably, Sean is bitter about the way things went down there, and is venting his rage by taking shots at his old network.

“I’m a free agent,” Salisbury said in an interview. “I’ve been liberated. I knew this was coming, but I couldn’t be happier.

“I’d grown tired of being punished for not being an NFL superstar. Analysts who don’t work as hard as me, don’t prepare as hard as me, and don’t have my resume were making more than me just because of their ability to throw or catch a football.”


“Don’t get me wrong,” Sean continued, “I appreciated the opportunity ESPN gave me, but they had capped my ceiling. There was only so far I could go there.

“I’d done nothing wrong, and if you hear otherwise, it’s not true. I did everything that was asked of me.

“I have created a brand and it’s time to expand into other opportunities in TV, radio, Internet, publishing, movies and public speaking, among others. My resume speaks for itself.”

Sean says he’s created a brand. He’s not lying either. I saw it the other day at the supermarket. There it was, right next to the rat poison.

Sean thinks he didn’t get a fair shake at ESPN because he was never a star. He wanted to be on the big-boy shows with Keyshawn Johnson and Bill Parcells and Emmitt Smith and Steve Young, but they made him do lame SportsCenter segments with The Cryptkeeper John Clayton. Them’s the breaks Sean. Good luck with your new endeavors anyway - I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of you at the openings of suburban car dealerships in the future.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Its finally Over

I love the draft. Even though it drags on and on, I still get addicted and cant stop watching it. So, did you like what your team did? As far as us pastygangstaz are concerned we follow,

Detroit: JOE LOUIS
Chicago and Dallas: FLC
St. Louis: TLIC
Miami: BUTTA
Dallas: ROSS and ND40
Pittsburgh: MM

So, what do you think?

Overall, Im happy with Dolphins picks. I really like them getting MICH QB Henne with their 3rd pick. They stocked up on OL and DL. Im skeptical of ever picking a OL #1 overall but I just hope it works out.

I really love the Cowboys 1st two picks. RB Felix Jones is like a Ronnie Brown with the Dolphins. I have to admit though that I really love ILL RB Mendenhall. The Cowboys passed on him and Steelers grabbed him. He was my second fav back behind RB McFadden. The Raiders having McFadden will be very interesting


Friday, April 25, 2008

The "Other" Draft

Who are the tools that get all worked up for the NFL draft every year? I'm a very casual draft watcher: I'll stumble upon it as I'm flipping between "Kiana's Flex" and ESPNews. It seems that every time I catch a draft, I get the requisite video of the Jets fans either groaning in agony or cheering as if the ghost of Joe Namath has been resurrected.
Fellas: it's draft day.
In the immortal words of Sergeant Hulka: "lighten up, Francis."
Of course, Miami Dolphins fans get a free pass from this criticism in 2007. They were certainly justified for the moaning, groaning and self-flagellation that accompanied last year's first-round pick (Ted Ginn, Jr.).

Coming to a Dallas Strip Club near you

There are lines in Vegas stating whether Pacman Jones will be arrested before training camp and if he will be seen at a Dallas Strip Club before July 1. Seriously.

There is no way he can stay out of trouble in Big D.

Another soap opera unfolding for the upcoming season

The Lions don't Suck!

Sure go ahead and say the Lions suck...but did you know that in the 90's no team made the playoffs more than the Detroit Lions. Therefore, hope is on the horizon - thanks to Marinelli, not Millen.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hockey on the Buttapicks.com?

Yes, this site is devoted to the Pastygangsta Football League, DRAFTWEEKEND and us. But from time to time, hockey will be presented.

So, just read it or watch and shut it.

That said...This is great. (from the other night)


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ND40 RB Shaun Alexander

Today, RB Alexander was released. The guy turned into a punk.

Bring Your Clocks To DRAFTWEEKEND

There will be a 90 second time limit to make your picks. There is no way we will wait 6 minutes in the hotel room for ROSS to make his 10th round selection

Monday, April 21, 2008


Its been a long long winter and now FLC and TLICIOUS are complaining about earthquakes. Summer is right around the corner. It will be 120 degrees in Dallas and Butta will be eating State Fair corndogs.

THEN, its time for DRAFTWEEKEND 2008 in St. Louis. Gambling, bars and baseball. ND40 is already wondering where the strip clubs are at. Relax, ND.

As far as the planning goes, we have 2 hotel rooms booked and baseball tickets. Looks like we'll have a Friday evening draft. It starts when KC walks in the door.

Buttapicks coming in September 2008